Tag: processed food


Consuming high glycemic carbohydrates on their own can lead to weight gain by increasing the body’s ability to store fat and increasing hunger.


A study found that eating high quality snacks earlier in the day had more favorable cardiometabolic measures and weights.


Women aged 50-64 are most affected by food addiction, but this can affect anyone at any age. What can we do to avoid food addiction?


Rollercoaster blood sugar changes could contribute to a headache, but consider overall diet, sleep, exercise, and stress as potential causes.


Whole fruit is part of a healthy, balanced diet. Fructose containing products are not part of a healthy diet.


Nutrition labels can be confusing but a few things to look for are recognizable ingredients, low sugar, protein and fiber, and no trans fat.


Many studies have shown that ultra processed foods like soda, prepackaged sweets and snacks, affect overall mental health.


A diet with low protein and highly processed foods is associated with more calories consumed, and may relate to the obesity problem.


Not all processed food is bad. Take chickpea pasta, for example. It is filled with fiber and protein and helps with blood sugar levels.