Be sure to always read a few articles on a subject relating to nutrition, exercise or wellness before sharing it with others.
Polyunsaturated fats include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and these must be in a good ratio for optimal health.
Research shows that the Mediterranean diet is healthy due adequate nutritional intake and the reduced risk of many types of diseases.
Cold showers have many benefits – burning fat, improving depression and memory, and improving circulation and recovery for sore muscles.
A study found that vigorous intense activity in one minute bursts can extend life due to all causes, cardiovascular events and cancer.
The research for vitamin C helping fight a cold has been inconsistent. It will not hurt to supplement but you likely get enough through diet
Rollercoaster blood sugar changes could contribute to a headache, but consider overall diet, sleep, exercise, and stress as potential causes.
Grass fed and finished beef has a higher nutrition content but may not be accessible for most people. Try your best to buy local beef.
Try to move your body at least once every 30 minutes to offset the negative effects of sitting and keep muscles activated throughout the day.
Whole fruit is part of a healthy, balanced diet. Fructose containing products are not part of a healthy diet.