Will A Cheat Day Mess Up My Diet?
The Yolk
Positives of a cheat day
Metabolism may increase
- Metabolism slows eventually when dieting
- Appetite increases the days following a large calorie load
Motivation may increase
Negatives of a cheat day
Cravings remain
- Cheat meal will unlikely help with cravings
- Might have trouble returning to healthy habits
- Hyper palatable foods consumed = more cravings for these types of food
Disordered eating habits
- A study found disordered eating patterns among those who engage in cheat days more often
- Thinking of food as good and bad may harm long term habits
A cheat day likely won’t mess up your diet, but a cheat meal is better
- Have a cheat meal rather than a cheat day – less negative effects
- Get some movement in
- Plan the cheat meal around an event
- Only engage once a week or less
Over restricting may not lead to lasting results
- Discovering a healthy relationship with food is one key to success
- Enjoy one cookie while you feel like it, and not a whole box when you are “allowed” to
- Consider alternative rewards – a new outfit or indulge in a nice item for your chosen hobby
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